Airbridge is a universal attribution measurement solution featuring incrementality and helping brands measure true marketing effectiveness across web and mobile.

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Bridging Fragmented Measurement: Measure all marketing channels
Optimize marketing ROI by measuring paid, owned, and earned media channels' performance with Airbridge.
Universal Web + Mobile Attribution: Measure customers, not cookies.
Airbridge’s Web and App SDK allows easy tracking of web, mobile, and cross-platform user journeys.
Beyond Measurement: Discover more from customizable dashboard for enterprise
Fully customizable reports, customizable log data export, external SaaS tool integrations, deep linking optimized for mobile, and more!
Incrementality & Multi-Touch Attribution Analytics
Last touch attribution barely touches the surface. Correctly account for the true sources of growth by understanding the true impact of your advertisements and campaigns in influencing a conversion.
Raw Data Export & External Integrations
All data collected by Airbridge can be easily customized for export via the Raw Data Export. In addition, through integrations with Data Warehousing platforms such as AWS S3, GCP, MS Azure, data can be stored and utilized for further analysis.
Unified Campaign Measurement: Web & App and Web-to-App Attribution
There is no need to use separate solutions for each platform. Instead, Airbridge's Web and App SDK enables you to collect data from both Web & App and analyze the data on a single dashboard; Airbridge also tracks all user paths from Web-to-App and to App-to-App.
Deep Links and Deferred Deep Links
Deep links and deferred deep links to deliver users to specific in-app contents when conducting retargeting campaigns. Deferred deep links offer users a seamless experience by bringing them to a specific in-app content after installing the app.
Ad Fraud Detection & Protection
Customizable detection parameters equipped with validation rules to remove fraudulent traffic for genuine measurement.
We are obsessed with your success!
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